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Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Arafura and Timor Seas

Strategic Action Programme for the Arafura and Timor Seas describes policy and institutional initiatives, capacity development and investments needed to address the priority problems identified in the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for this region. ATSEA - SAP has been approved by the Project Board on 21 February 2013, during the 3rd Project Board Meeting in Bali, Indonesia. To ensure its implementations, the endorsement from the goverment of members countries is now still in progress.

The Strategic Action Programme for the Arafura and Timor Seas describes policy and institutional initiatives, capacity development and investments needed to address the priority problems identified in the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for this region.

ATSEA - SAP document has been approved by the Project Board, on 21 February 2013, during the 3rd Project Board Meeting in Bali, Indonesia. To ensure its implementations, the endorsement from the goverment of members countries is now still in progress.

ATSEA SAP contains five Environmental Quality Objectives and two Governance Objectives.

Environmental Quality Objectives:

1. Recovering and sustaining fisheries
Target 1.1: IUU fishing reduced in the ATS by 15-20%
Target 1.2: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management applied across the ATS
2. Restoring degraded habitats for sustainable provision of ecosystem services
Target 2.1: Enhanced management and protection of 20 % of marine and coastal habitats (including mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds)
3. Reducing land-based and marine sources of pollution
Target 3.1: Reduction of the ecologically harmful impacts of nutrients in coastal waters from base year
Target 3.2: Reduction in the incidence and impacts of marine-based pollution from base year
4. Protecting key marine species
Target 4.1: Enhanced protection of 10-20% of important habitats for threatened and migratory marine species; 20% decrease in direct and indirect harvesting of threatened and migratory species
5. Adaptation to the impacts of climate change
Target 5.1 Increased understanding of climate change impacts and incorporation of that knowledge into management plans and strategies, including establishment of management plans for more than 60% of at-risk coastal villages

Governance Objectives:

1. To strengthen the regional governance of the ATS region
Target : A regional mechanism for cooperation
2. To strengthen stakeholder participation in ATS governance and management
Target : A Stakeholder Partnership Forum of experts and practitioners involved in research and capacity development activities relevant to the SAP and NAPs

Please click here to read the SAP document.

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