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Workshop on Project Review and Development of AWP 2013

In regards to ensure the achievement of the project objectives and targets, the ATSEA Project Management Office in collaboration with UNDP were undertake a workshop on review of project progress implementation and developing of AWP 2013. This workshop, which was held from 29 to 31 October, is also part of project monitoring and evaluation.

The meeting was officially opened by Mr. Iwan Kurniawan from UNDP Indonesia. Mr. Iwan again welcomed participants and emphasized the importance of this meeting as part of progress monitoring and its role in identifying actions to be taken in the future.

Mr. Iwan then presented the three-days meeting agenda. On the first day, the meeting was scheduled to discuss the Q3 report. On the second day (morning), all participants will attend National Seminar on Capture Fisheries in Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. In the afternoon, participants will back to discuss the Q3 report again and conduct initial discussion on Annual Work Plan for the year 2013. On the third day PMO and UNDP will review the Q3 report and discuss the indicators and target deliveries of each outcome for the year 2013.

After presenting the meeting agenda, Mr. Iwan then overview the recommendation resulted from Mid Term Evaluation. There are 17 recommendations to project team, 5 recommendations to UNDP and 1 to GEF. PMO must response for each of these recommendations, and draft each response in a table prepared by UNDP. The meeting then discussed these recommendations.

On the first day, participants agreed to draft management response to MTE recommendation using the template prepared by UNDP.

In the next morning, participants attend the National Seminar on Capture Fisheries organized by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. North Sulawesi was selected as a host because this region is one of important capture fisheries region in eastern Indonesia.  This seminar was attended by approximately 300 participants from scientist, local government staffs, NGOs, private sector, lecturer from Sam Ratulangi University, including ATSEA.  The objectives of this seminar are (1) to strengthen the network of Fish Resources management to support the ongoing science-based fisheries industry; (2) to formulate a concept to strengthen the fish resources management, particularly in the corridor MP3EI Sulawesi.

In the evening session, the participants were back to discuss the project budget for the year 2013. In the discussion, Ms Kwanruen informed all participants that project would end in mid-2014. She also commented that the project should focus on SAP/NAPs completion and demo project implementation for the next two years. The PMO agreed to refine the AWP and will be sent to UNDP-APRC by December 15 towards the KK-ed process.

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