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Demo Project Consultation Meeting

ATSEA Program has done the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) and it was endorsed by Project Board in March 2012. The next actions that should be undertaken are to develop an ATS Strategic Actions Program (SAP) and Demonstration Site Pilot Project implementation.

A pilot project is intended to be a small-scale, issues-based project designed to demonstrate best practices and methodologies offering potential for replication in other locations – perhaps in follow-up larger projects. The pilot project could be an entirely new project or a project in partnership with an existing program or project as long as it was compatible with objectives of the ATSEA program.

The preliminary selection criteria for potential regional demonstration projects as well as generic guidelines of ATSEA Demonstration site Projects have been developed and completed, however further discussion and elaboration in term of the regional demonstration projects implementation still needed.

Therefore, ATSEA held a meeting called “ATSEA Demo Project Consultation Meeting” in Jakarta, Indonesia on 19-20 April 2012 and attended by PMO staffs, representatives from ATSEA countries and resource persons. This meeting is a follow-up of the second Project Board Meeting (PBM-2), which produced some important decisions regarding Regional Demonstration Project implementation. The important priority issues for Regional Demonstration Project and its key activities (possible actions) that should be undertaken were also discussed in the meeting. Other discussion topics are: an Administrative Standard Operational Procedure of PCA modality for Regional Demo Project and a “work plan” for developing final “Guidelines” of Regional Demonstration Projects.

At the end, the meeting has been succesfully produced:

  • An administrative procedure of PCA modality.
  • List of priority issues and important possible actions that should be undertaken in the Regional Demonstration Projects.
  • A work plan for developing Guidelines of National and Regional Demo Project.

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