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Inception Meeting for Regional Demo Project

The Inception Meeting for Regional Demo Project was conducted in Bali on 14 - 15 January 2013. This meeting was attended by representatives of Government of Australia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, UNDP Indonesia, Resource persons, NGOs and project staffs.
The Inception Meeting for Regional Demo Project was conducted in Bali on 14 - 15 January 2013. This meeting was attended by representatives of Government of Australia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, UNDP Indonesia, Resource persons, NGOs and project staffs.

The meeting was officially opened by Dr. Budi Sulistyo, from MoMAF Indonesia. On the first occassion, resource persons presented their experiences on working with indigenous people and implementing a pilot project. After that, representatives of the local government (Rote District of Indonesia and MAF Timor-Leste) presented their proposed site. The Rote District government proposed 2 sites (Papela and Peus), while MAF Timor-Leste proposed 3 sites: Com, Atauro and Batugade. Further, the meeting then discussed and agreed on detailed design and activities for the regional project (Objectives, topics, target beneficiaries, timeline), demo project modality and roadmap for its implementation.

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