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Demo Projects

Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) Program undertake a pilot project which supports ecologically sustainable management and use of living coastal and marine resources, including fisheries and biodiversity and improved, sustainable socio-economic conditions and opportunities for coastal peoples in the Arafura and Timor Sea region. There are two types of Demo Projects; (a) National Demo projects which implemented in each countries; and (b) Regional Demo Project.

Indonesia Demo Projects

The implementation of national demo projects in Indonesia is part of achieving the objective in component 3, SAP/NAP of the Arafura and Timor Seas initial implementation. There are two national demo projects implemented in Indonesia, one in Maluku Tenggara Barat District and the other one in Aru Island District. These demo projects are 18 months project with source of funding from GEF.
Jun 27, 2013

Indonesia Demo Projects - Read More…

Timor-Leste Demo Projects

ATSEA demo projects in Timor-Leste are implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Timor-Leste. These demo project are located in Beacou, Bobonaro District.
Jun 27, 2013

Timor-Leste Demo Projects - Read More…

Regional Demo Project

The regional demo project would take the form of an exchange visit to Australia by communities from Timor Leste and Indonesia to share knowledge and skills related to coastal and marine management.
Jun 27, 2013

Regional Demo Project - Read More…

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