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Proposal presentation of Indonesia demo projects

Selected NGOs in Indonesia were supported by Small Grant Programme (SGP) Indonesia to develop full proposal.

During the proposal development process, only Baileo and Yayasan Sitakena submit their proposal.

On the first occasion, Sitakena present their full proposal to the Selection Committee. The Demo Project proposed by Yayasan Sitakena addresses the problem of loss of mangrove forests due to logging, and concomitant loss of local fish biodiversity, together with an increase in the likelihood of threats to coastal communities due to reduction in the mangrove forest buffer zone. The Demo Project aims to benefit the local community economically by enhancing seaweed farming in the selected area (Aru island, Maluku), and to encourage conservation of mangroves.

Next, Baileo is choosing Bomaki village in Tanimbar island, Maluku as their project site, aims to empower fishermen and small scale fisheries development in Tanimbar by develop awareness of the importance of coastal ecosystem, improving the economic status of coastal communities and enabling adaptation of coastal communities to the effects of climate change.

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