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Regional Scientific Committee Meeting

The ATSEA Project has an objective to develop the framework for integrated, cooperative, sustainable and ecosystem-based management of the living coastal and marine resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas through development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and agreement on a Strategic Action Program (SAP) to address the principal environmental threats to the ATS ecosystem.

Based on ATSEA TDA schedule and work plan that agreed on “ATSEA Expert Meeting to develop ATS Profile Report”, conducted in Dili – Timor Leste, March 2011, the time line for full TDA completion is by December 2011. Therefore, by the end of September the “first draft of TDA” should be completed.

The first draft of TDA has been reviewed on November 28, 2011 by the National Inter-Ministerial Committee (NIMC) of Indonesia in Bandung, then on December 6, 2011 it reviewed by NIMCs of Timor Leste and Papua New Guineae in Dili and Port Moresby respectivelly.

The second draft TDA then reviewed by Regional Scientific Committee (RSC) to finalizing draft TDA. RSC consist of representative experts from countries members who are nominated by countries focal points. RSC meeting to review second draft TDA undertaken on February 6-7, 2012.


The meeting’s objectives are:

  1. To inform the RSC members concerning the 1st draft of TDA.
  2. To discuss, review and solicit input to enrich the 1st draft of TDA from scientific point of view.


Feedback from the Australian government and CSIRO was assimilated into the report. Members of the scientific committee reviewed the comments from these agencies and updated the TDA report as necessary. The accuracy of the TDA report was intensely scrutinized for accuracy and clarity of information. Several sections of the report were amended substantially as the information cited within the document referred to areas outside the mandate of ATSEA. Data and references were also updated throughout the document. Country sections of the TDA were amended to ensure that information was consistent between countries to allow for comparison. This included updating the legal / traditional rights of local fishers for each country.

The review, edits and amendments of the TDA was principally completed by the end of the meeting on February 7, 2012, with minor amendments to be made following the meeting’s cessation.

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