ATSEA – Indonesia Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Stakeholders live close to the resources and have through generations, gained understanding and traditional knowledge useful to resource management. They are guardians of resources, and are in a position as well to contribute to the manpower requirements of conservation efforts. They have existing organizations, both formal and informal, that provide mechanisms for management.
Three stakeholder engagement workshops – 1 in Timor-Leste, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Australia, and a final workshop to synthesize inputs from each of the three countries – led to the development of the Ecoregion Conservation Plan for the ATS Ecoregion.
Objective of the SEG Workshop
As indicated in the ATSEA Project Document, the SEG will provide and support to the Project Board Committee. In particular, member may identify important issues which relevance to the objectives of the project, including global concern that pertain to or affect the ATS region.
In addition to this core objective, The SEG may also serve to achieve synergies and linkage in implementing the ATSEA project.
The ATSEA Project Board encourage the active participation in, and support for the ATSEA project by all stakeholder as well as the implementation of their individual programmes and actions which are complementary to ATSEA project.
The expected outputs of the two days wotkshop are:
- To identify the involvement of district and national institutions in running ATSEA program.
- To analyze the gap of information concerning the implementation of the research result.
- To identify the next step of ATSEA Program.
- To contribute important information for developing the TDA/SAP that being done by ATSEA and ATSEF program as well.
As far as the maximum achievement of the project objectives concerns, this two days workshop will be attended by related stakeholder which could support the success of ATSEA and ATSEF programme as well, among others representatives from:
- Fisheries National Director
- Local NGOs
- Fisheries District Services
- Ministry of Environment
- Navy
- Universities
- Fisheries Association
Document Actions