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Post ATSEA Cruise and TDA Workshop

This workshop is built on past work conducted during the development of the ATSEA Proposal in 2008-2009 (e.g. Project document development; national status reports, preliminary framework transboundary diagnostic analysis of the ATS region) and feed into the broader processes associated with the implementation of the ATSEA Program over the next 18 months. It is one of a number of workshops to be held with stakeholders from Australia, Indonesia and Timor Leste to contribute to scientific integrated assessments and analyses of the ATS region.
Post ATSEA Cruise and TDA Workshop

TDA Workshop in Darwin, Australia.

This workshop is built on past work conducted during the development of the ATSEA Proposal in 2008-2009 (e.g. Project document development; national status reports, preliminary framework transboundary diagnostic analysis of the ATS region) and feed into the broader processes associated with the implementation of the ATSEA Program over the next 18 months. It is one of a number of workshops to be held with stakeholders from Australia, Indonesia and Timor Leste to contribute to scientific integrated assessments and analyses of the ATS region.

The workshop was conducted from September 20 to 26, 2010 in Darwin, Australia.

The aim of the workshop is to develop a shared perspective on priority biophysical issues of a transboundary nature in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) as part of Arafura Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) program.

More specifically, the workshop objectives are

  1. To identify and discuss key priority biophysical issues relating to ATS region and ATSEA Program.
  2. To identify areas for further characterisation as part of ATS region biophysical profile including physical and biological oceanography, biodiversity (including habitats), fisheries and climate change for incorporation in the full Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for ATSEA
  3. To identify possible lead people and teams for written contributions.


Workshop Outputs

  1. Shared understanding by participants of the ATSEA Program TDA component and activities to be conducted
  2. A draft table of contents for the biophysical profile of the ATS region from a shared ATSEF perspective
  3. A list of potential sources of information and contributors relating to specific topic areas for a transboundary biophysical profile as a component of a full TDA report.

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