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Demo project entitled 'Mangrove conservation as a buffer zone of coastal ecosystem through the mangrove rehabilitation and mud crabs rearing' is implemented by Yayasan Baileo in Bomaki village, Saumlaki/Yamdena Island, Maluku Tenggara Barat District, Maluku.


The project in Bomaki Village seeks to address the “failure to manage mangrove and coastal resources development and the decreasing of mangroves trees” People in Bomaki have customary knowledge and rules to regulate the access and benefit of the mangrove areas, however, the customary rules are not able to preserve the mangrove areas from high pressures. Yayasan Baileo in collaboration with communities in Bomaki strengthens the customary knowledge by using community mapping and advocating the rules to district regulation.

There are three main components of this project:

  1. Improve the management of mangrove areas
  2. Introducing mud crab rearing in Bomaki village
  3. Strengthening the customary knowledge and rules into state laws.


One way to improve the management of mangrove forest is by improving the community based map of natural resources. 11 men and 5 women revised their community based marine resources map. This revision is meant to strengthen and promote their customary rules in managing marine resources to district level. In addition, the quality of mangrove forest needs to be improved. At least 9,113 mangrove trees were planted by the villagers along the coastal areas in Bomaki up to April 2013. School children were involved in the planting activities.

The introduction of mudcrab rearing enlightens the communities on how valuable their mangrove forest. The activities started with training of rearing, climate and environment condition, market value. 50 people (25 men and 25 women) attended the training. By inviting a trainer, who is a successful breeder and farmer of mudcrab in Central Java, inspired the communities that they are able to benefit the mangrove forest better.

Overall, the beneficiaries benefit the project directly through improving their capacity and awareness on the coastal management. Economic return from mudcrab farming has not yet benefit as it just started with training and initiating the activities.

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« October 2024 »