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First Project Board Meeting

ATSEA First Project Board Meeting started on 16 February 2011 placed at The Patra Bali Resort & Villas, Indonesia. Invited participants are from UNDP, UNOPS, delegations from Timor Leste, Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea as observer.

As host of the meeting, Head of Research Center for Fisheries Management and Fish Conservation (Dr. Purwanto) welcomed all participant to Bali. He stated that the Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Program (ATSEA) as one of the regional GEF Project in which Indonesia involved, highlights the importance of marine and fisheries resources to the region of eastern Indonesia. He also explained that through ATSEA, countries around Arafura and Timor Seas have an opportunity to safeguard these precious resources, and urged that the outcome of this meeting should accommodate the best interests of the people living in the area of Arafura and Timor Seas as well as focusing on the sustainable management of the marine resources.
This meeting was officially opened by Dr. Gellwynn Jusuf, Secretary General of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia. He was pleased to deliver opening remarks.

Secretary General of MoMAF is pleased to open ATSEA Project Board Meeting
Dr. Jusuf welcomed participants and emphasized the importance of the second year of ATSEA as it enters a full implementation phase, expressing satisfaction with progress so far.
Dr. Jusuf reminded participants of the development of ATSEA through the regional forum (Arafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum (ATSEF)) involving Australia, Indonesia and Timor Leste. The forum provides a platform for sustainable management of the Arafura and Timor Seas. He congratulated the ATSEF member countries on being granted the ATSEA project, applauded the support provided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Office for Project Service (UNOPS), and expressed appreciation at the attendance of representatives from the Government of Papua New Guinea.
Dr. Jusuf went on to mention the vision and mission of ATSEF, and to reaffirm the commitment of the Government of Indonesia in support of ATSEF and ATSEA. He said that the results of a regional cooperation such as ATSEF will improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation between member countries. In conclusion, Dr. Jusuf challenged meeting delegates to create an example for the world of safeguarding marine and fisheries resources through collaborative work, and to involve other stakeholders (non government organizations, research and academic organizations) in achieving ATSEA goals and objectives.
The First Board Meeting of the UNDP/GEF ATSEA Project was officially closed on 17 February 2011 by Mr. Anang Noegroho. Mr. Noegroho, speaking on behalf of the Secretary General of MMAF, expressed thanks to the UNDP, UNOPS and all delegates, and welcomed Papua New Guinea as a new member of ATSEA.

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