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Year 2010-2011

Past activities in the year 2010
ATSEA Inception Workshop, 13-14 July 2010

ATSEA Inception Workshop, 13-14 July 2010

The tropical and semi-enclosed Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) are shared by Australia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea (PNG). The ATS region is extremely rich in living and non-living marine resources, including major fisheries and oil and gas reserves. The ATS region is located at the intersection of the two major Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs),
Oct 08, 2012

ATSEA Inception Workshop, 13-14 July 2010 - Read More…

First ATSEA Cruise

First ATSEA Cruise

The first ATSEA Cruise program is a manifestation of further effort at understanding and addressing existing problems at Arafura and Timor Seas by ATSEF, undertaking a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), development of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP), and implementation of innovative demonstration project. A number of approaches could be undertaken in order to complete TDA and SAP process. As recommended in the framework report of ATSEA Cruise, one key activity in developing TDA of Arafura and Timor Seas is to conduct oceanographic survey in these regions using a Research Vessel (RV) Baruna Jaya VIII
Oct 08, 2012

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FGD ATSEA Cruise Data

FGD ATSEA Cruise Data

ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting II is the second and meeting of ATSEA Cruise Program before the actual research. The meeting discussed 4 agendas: Cruise Presentation and Station Plan, Cruise Plan, Activity at Station, and Administrative issues. The meeting was attended by 34 invitee, from Indonesia, Australia, and Timor Leste.
Oct 08, 2012

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Post ATSEA Cruise and TDA Workshop

Post ATSEA Cruise and TDA Workshop

This workshop is built on past work conducted during the development of the ATSEA Proposal in 2008-2009 (e.g. Project document development; national status reports, preliminary framework transboundary diagnostic analysis of the ATS region) and feed into the broader processes associated with the implementation of the ATSEA Program over the next 18 months. It is one of a number of workshops to be held with stakeholders from Australia, Indonesia and Timor Leste to contribute to scientific integrated assessments and analyses of the ATS region.
Oct 08, 2012

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First Project Board Meeting

First Project Board Meeting

ATSEA First Project Board Meeting started on 16 February 2011 placed at The Patra Bali Resort & Villas, Indonesia. Invited participants are from UNDP, UNOPS, delegations from Timor Leste, Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea as observer.
Feb 28, 2013

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ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting - 1

ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting is the initial meeting of ATSEA Cruise program. The meeting discussed 3 agendas: Scientific Issues, Administrative Issues, and Technical/Logistic Issue. The meeting was attended by 25 invitee, from Indonesia, Australia, and Timor-Leste.
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting - 1 - Read More…

ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting

ATSEA Cruise Technical Meeting

Series of Technical Meetings were conducted prior the actual research. The meeting discussed 4 agendas: Cruise Presentation and Station Plan, Cruise Plan, Activity at Station, and Administrative issues.
Feb 28, 2013

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ATSEA Cruise 1 Launching

ATSEA Cruise 1 Launching

On May 10th 2010, Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) Cruise, was officially launched, with the participation of 28 researchers from various institutions and university around Indonesia, Australia, and Timor Leste. The main propose of the research is to provide scientific data and information to assist the development of TDA and SAP of Arafura and Timor Sea. These include, but not limited to:
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEA Cruise 1 Launching - Read More…

ATSEA Cruise 2 With RV. Solander

ATSEA Cruise 2 With RV. Solander

The launch of the 2nd field cruise for the Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) research project in the Arafura and Timor Seas, held on the 30th June 2011 in Darwin. The cruise is gathering information on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the Arafura and Timor Seas.
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEA Cruise 2 With RV. Solander - Read More…

ATSEF Steering Committe and SEG of ATSEA Launching

The Arafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum was created in 2002 and launched at the WSSD Bali prep-Com of 2002 to mitigate the threats to biodiversity in the waters of the Arafura and Timor Seas (among the principal threats are illegal fishing, marine pollution, and destruction of natural habitats, especially coastal mangroves. ATSEF is a non-binding organization that fosters research cooperation and collaboration between government and non government organizations of the three countries. A Memorandum of Understanding between the countries sets out institutional arrangement and identifies priority areas for engagement.
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEF Steering Committe and SEG of ATSEA Launching - Read More…

Participation in 48th AMSA Conference

Participation in 48th AMSA Conference

The program listed in ATSEA Session can be found here.
Feb 28, 2013

Participation in 48th AMSA Conference - Read More…

ATSEA – Indonesia Stakeholder Engagement Workshop

ATSEA – Indonesia Stakeholder Engagement Workshop

The ATSEA project considers stakeholders as key to the success in the conservation of the ecoregion. The Program exerts effort and invests funds to enable multi-country and multi-sectoral participation in the formulation of the ecoregion’s conservation plan. Past experiences prove that only committed stakeholders can ensure the success of any conservation effort because of the contributions they provide that cannot be acquired elsewhere.
Oct 08, 2012

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ATSEA Participation in ISOI Annual Meeting 2011

ATSEA Participation in ISOI Annual Meeting 2011

In regards to enrich and exchanges of information as well as disseminate the results of ATSEA activities, ATSEA program intent to participate the National Meeting of Indonesia Oceanologist Association (ISOI) that take place in Makassar from 25 to 27 September 2011.
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEA Participation in ISOI Annual Meeting 2011 - Read More…

TDA Technical Meeting 2

TDA Technical Meeting 2

The Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) region exhibits high productivity that sustains both small and large scale fisheries, including several high value shared transboundary fish stocks, that provide livelihoods for millions of people in the region, and make a significant contribution to food security for both regional coastal populations and large populations in the export market countries to the north of the region, including China.
Feb 28, 2013

TDA Technical Meeting 2 - Read More…

ATSEA Participation in IWC 6

The 6th GEF Biennial IW conference will take place October 17 to October 20, 2011 at the Valamar Lacroma Hotel in the ancient city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. In addition, workshops aimed at GEF IW Project Managers and GEF Agency staff will be offered from October 15 to October 16, 2011.
Feb 28, 2013

ATSEA Participation in IWC 6 - Read More…

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