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ATSEA Demonstration Project Consultation Meeting

A pilot project is intended to be a small-scale, issues-based project designed to demonstrate best practices and methodologies offering potential for replication in other locations – perhaps in follow-up larger projects. The pilot project could be an entirely new project or a project in partnership with an existing program or project as long as it was compatible with objectives of the ATSEA program

In April 2008, ATSEF was advised by UNDP that the United Nations Global Environment Facility (GEF) had approved the submission of a Full Size Project Proposal called: the Arafura and Timor Seas ecosystem Action (ATSEA) Program. Project preparation continued through 2009 and full-scale implementation of the project started in the beginning of 2010. The objective of the ATSEA Project is to develop the framework for integrated, cooperative, sustainable and ecosystem-based management of the living coastal and marine resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas through development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and agreement on a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) to address the principal environmental threats to the ATSEA ecosystem.

The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) document has been completed and endorsed by the Project Board in Canberra on 2 – 3 March 2012. The next actions that should be undertaken are to develop the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Arafura and Timor Seas, and demo project implementation.

A pilot project is intended to be a small-scale, issues-based project designed to demonstrate best practices and methodologies offering potential for replication in other locations – perhaps in follow-up larger projects. The pilot project could be an entirely new project or a project in partnership with an existing program or project as long as it was compatible with objectives of the ATSEA Program.

The preliminary selection criteria for potential demonstration projects as well as a generic guidelines of ATSEA Demonstration Project have been developed and completed, however further discussion and elaboration in term of the demonstration projects implementation is needed.


II. Objectives
The objectives of this ATSEA demonstration project meeting are:

Day One

  1. Brief presentation of results of the Project Board Meeting regarding Demonstration Project implementation.
  2. To develop implementation modalities for each National Demonstration Pilot Project (Indonesia and TL).
  3. To discuss and develope an Administrative Standard Operational Procedure of each implementation modality.
  4. To develop the implementation modality for Regional Demonstration Pilot Project.


Day Two

  1. To discuss the important priority issues for each National and regional Demonstration Project and its key activities (possible actions) that should be undertaken.
  2. To discuss and develop a “work plan” for developing final “Guidelines” of Demonstration Projects (Country specific and Regional).


III.  Expected outputs

The expected outputs of the two-day meeting are:

  • “Demonstration Project Implementation Modality” for each National Project (Timor-Leste and Indonesia) and that for Regional Project.
  • “Administrative Standard Operational Procedure” of each implementation modality.
  • “Priority issues and important possible actions” that should be undertaken in the National and Regional Demonstration Projects.
  • A “work-plan” for developing “Guidelines of Demonstration Projects” for Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Regional.


IV. Dates and Venue:
Meeting will be held on 19 – 20 of April 2012 in Gd. Balitbang KP (Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development), 1st floor, Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia – 14430.

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