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Workshop on Management Response to MTE Recommendation

At the end of the second year of implementation of the Project, an evaluation called “Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE)” has been undertaken. The purpose of the MTE is to examine the progress and performance of the project since the start of its implementation.

The MTE include the evaluation of both the progress in project implementation, measured against planned outputs and outcomes set forth in the Project Document, and the assessment of features related to the process involved in achieving those outcomes, and the progress towards project objective. The evaluation also identify and address causes and issues that constrain the achievement of set targets.

The MTE is intended to identify weaknesses and strengths of the project design, and to develop recommendations for any necessary changes in the overall design and orientation of the project by evaluating the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of its implementation, as well as assessing Project outputs and outcomes to date. Consequently, the MTE mission is also expected to make detailed recommendations on the work plan for the remaining project period.  It also provide an opportunity to assess early signs of project success or failure and prompt necessary adjustments.
The evaluation is follow approaches adopted by GEF for the assessment of IW projects and UNDP M&E guidelines. The MTE mission also identify lessons learnt and best practices from the Project that could be applied to future and on-going projects.

Previous discussion on MTE recommendations was conducted  at the end of October. From this meeting, the Management Response was drafted. And this workshop is needed to finalised the Management Response to MTE Recommendation.

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