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SEG and Second Project Board Meeting

The ATSEA Project has an objective to develop the framework for integrated, cooperative, sustainable and ecosystem-based management of the living coastal and marine resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas through development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and agreement on a Strategic Action Program (SAP) to address the principal environmental threats to the ATS ecosystem.

The first draft of TDA has been reviewed on November 28, 2011 by the National Inter-Ministerial Committee (NIMC) of Indonesia in Bandung, then on December 6, 2011 it reviewed by NIMCs of Timor Leste and Papua New Guineae in Dili and Port Moresby respectivelly. The second draft TDA then reviewed by Regional Scientific Committee (RSC) on February 2012 to finalizing draft TDA. RSC consist of representative experts from countries members who are nominated by countries focal points.

After the final draft TDA completed through series of review and consultations, it was be presented to ATSEA Project Board to seek for approval.  The Project Board Meeting conducted once per year, and the Second Project Board Meeting was held  at The John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace Parkes Canberra ACT 2601, Australia on 1-2 March 2012.

The Project Board Meeting’s objectives are:

  1. To present the Project Board members concerning the TDA Development process until final draft and seek for approval.
  2. To discuss and review project implementation progress 2011.
  3. To discuss, review and solicit input to enrich Annual Work Plan 2012.
  4. To present Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG) and ATSEF Regional Secretariat activities in 2011.
  5. To discuss and review PNG MSP Prodoc


And meeting expected deliver output i.e.:

  1. TDA document approval and adoption
  2. Annual Work Plan 2012 approval

And finally, the TDA Report was approved by Project Board.

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