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Year 2012

ATSEA Program activities in the year 2012
Q-4 2011 Report Meeting
In regards to ensure the achievement of the project objectives, the ATSEA Project Management Office undertake a consultation meeting that will be participated by UNDP and UNOPs as well as to evaluate and reporting ATSEA Quarter-4 activities for the year 2011.
FGD on Quarter-1 2012 Activities Planning
Starting the year 2012, most of the planned activities have been undertaken, in term of administrative and technical issues, towards better planning activities and budget for year 2012. In accordance with those matters mentioned above, “FGD – ATSEA Quarter-1 2012 Activities Planning” will be conducted in Bandung from 19 to 20 January 2012.
Regional Scientific Committee Meeting
The ATSEA Project has an objective to develop the framework for integrated, cooperative, sustainable and ecosystem-based management of the living coastal and marine resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas through development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and agreement on a Strategic Action Program (SAP) to address the principal environmental threats to the ATS ecosystem.
SEG and Second Project Board Meeting
The ATSEA Project has an objective to develop the framework for integrated, cooperative, sustainable and ecosystem-based management of the living coastal and marine resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas through development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and agreement on a Strategic Action Program (SAP) to address the principal environmental threats to the ATS ecosystem.
ATSEA Demonstration Project Consultation Meeting
A pilot project is intended to be a small-scale, issues-based project designed to demonstrate best practices and methodologies offering potential for replication in other locations – perhaps in follow-up larger projects. The pilot project could be an entirely new project or a project in partnership with an existing program or project as long as it was compatible with objectives of the ATSEA program
Development of QMR-1 2012 Meeting
In regards to ensure the achievement of the project in during the first Quarter of 2012, the Project Management Office undertake a coordination meeting that consists of evaluation the activities and its achievement during the first quarter of 2012. This meeting was conducted in Bogor (West Java) from 4 to 5 April 2012.
Demo Project Consultation Meeting
ATSEA Program has done the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) and it was endorsed by Project Board in March 2012. The next actions that should be undertaken are to develop an ATS Strategic Actions Program (SAP) and Demonstration Site Pilot Project implementation.
Indonesia SAP & NAP Consultation Meeting
ATSEA has done the TDA for Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) and endorsed by Project Board in March 2012.
Timor-Leste SAP & NAP Consultation Meeting
After successful SAP consultation meeting in Indonesia, the same consultation meeting was held in Timor-Leste as well. The SAP & NAP Timor-Leste Consultation Meeting was conducted on 5 to 6 June 2012 in Dili. The meeting was attended by PMO staffs, all members of National Inter-Ministerial Committee (NIMC) and SEG members from Timor-Leste.
Indonesia Demo Project Concept Papers Selection Meeting
As decided by the Project Board in PBM-2, national demo project implementation in Indonesia will use NGO Grant modality. The eligible grantee must be non-governmental organisations, community based organizations, public institutions, research institutes, local authorities, and other organisations that have a strong presence in the region where they are working and a good relationship with beneficiaries.
Proposal presentation of Indonesia demo projects
Selected NGOs in Indonesia were supported by Small Grant Programme (SGP) Indonesia to develop full proposal.
Attending GEF IW:LEARN III UNOPS PM Workshop
The GEF IW:LEARN III UNOPS PM Workshop was conducted from 9 to 11 July 2012.
Regional Demo Project Consultation Meeting
Entering the third year for ATSEA, will be a critical phase where the project must already be in full speed of its implementation to fulfil the activities and deliveries as mentioned in the Project Document.
National Consultation Meeting for Indonesia’s NAP Development
In order to harmonize the regional SAP with the National Action Plan (NAP), also with the Government of Indonesia policy on Marine and Fisheries sector, consultation meeting with the Government of the Republic of Indonesia was conducted. This meeting seek for inputs and comments from governments, and other stakeholders which will be compiled in the draft NAP of Indonesia.
Regional Consultation Meeting for SAP Development
ATSEA Project’s objective is to ensure the integrated, cooperative, sustainable, ecosystem-based management and use of the living coastal and marine resources, including fisheries and biodiversity, of the Arafura and Timor Seas, through the formulation, inter-governmental adoption and initial implementation of a Regional SAP and NAPs.
Participation in International Water Science Conference (IWSC) 2012
The first Global Environment ‘GEF International Waters Science Conference 2012’ (GEF IWSC 2012) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 24-26 September 2012. The three days conference provided a science-policy interface to strengthen the role of science in the management of water systems at the global, regional and local level.
Technical write shop for ATS-SAP and Regional Demo Project Proposal Development
Once the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS)-TDA endorsed, the next action that should be undertaken is to develop a Strategic Actions Program (SAP). Based on “first draft” of SAP done by International Consultant, several series consultation meeting have been undertaken which result the “second draft” of ATS-SAP that it has been presented at Regional SAP meeting in Bali on 30-31 August 2012.
Participation in PIT ISOI IX 2012
Researchers from marine institutions and universities in Indonesia was gather to present their research findings in the Ninth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Association of Oceanologist (PIT ISOI IX) on 21-23 October 2012 in Mataram, NTB.
Workshop on Project Review and Development of AWP 2013
In regards to ensure the achievement of the project objectives and targets, the ATSEA Project Management Office in collaboration with UNDP were undertake a workshop on review of project progress implementation and developing of AWP 2013. This workshop, which was held from 29 to 31 October, is also part of project monitoring and evaluation.
Workshop on Management Response to MTE Recommendation
At the end of the second year of implementation of the Project, an evaluation called “Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE)” has been undertaken. The purpose of the MTE is to examine the progress and performance of the project since the start of its implementation.
Field trip to Sea Cucumber Hatchery
ATSEA Team had the opportunity to visit Technical Unit under the Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2O-LIPI) in Lombok on October 2012.

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