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Regional Consultation Meeting for SAP Development

ATSEA Project’s objective is to ensure the integrated, cooperative, sustainable, ecosystem-based management and use of the living coastal and marine resources, including fisheries and biodiversity, of the Arafura and Timor Seas, through the formulation, inter-governmental adoption and initial implementation of a Regional SAP and NAPs.

After conduct a series of national consultation meetings to obtain inputs and comments on draft SAP from countries, ATSEA continue the SAP development process with the Regional Consultation Meeting, which was conducted from 30 to 31 August 2012. The objective of this Regional consultation meeting is to elaborate input and recommendation from all stakeholders of ATS in for SAP development.

Initial draft of SAP was completed in early May 2012, and was discussed in some coordination meeting as follows:

  • On May 23-24, 2012, the draft SAP was discussed by National Inter Ministerial Committee (NIMC) Indonesia in Jakarta ;
  • On June 5-6, 2012 the draft then discussed by NIMC Timor-Leste in Dili;
  • The Government of Australia sent their inputs and comments at the end of June 2012.


These inputs from Government Focal Points (Australia, Timor-Leste, and Indonesia) and from the Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG) then compiled as the First Draft of SAP.

The first draft of SAP was presented and discussed in the ”ATSEA Regional Consultation Meeting for SAP Development”, which was attended by  representatives of the Government of Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Australia, Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG), UNDP Indonesia, and Project Management Office (PMO).

The decisions resulted from this meeting i.e:

  1. The meeting participants agreed to make some substantial and editorial revision in the draft SAP;
  2. The meeting participants agreed to separate the action plans for national and regional action plans.
  3. From 5 options of “Institutional and legal option for a regional governance mechanism”, each of ATSEA government representatives tend to choose option 1 (maintaining the status quo ATSEA and introduces a number of possible arrangements to improve coordination mechanisms) or option 2 (adopt a non-binding instrument/ non-binding – MOU to implement ATSEA program).
  4. The meeting participants agreed to revise the roadmap preparation of SAP.
  5. The meeting participants suggested the need to organize a Technical Workshop, which will be held in Wollongong, Australia on October 15-17, 2012.
  6. The meeting participants agreed that the draft SAP need to be approved by the Project Board Committee before being signed at the ministerial level
  7. The meeting participants agreed that the signing of the SAP at the ministerial level will be delayed until February 2013.

Follow-up Plan:

  1. International Consultant supported by from ATSEA PMO-1 SAP will refine SAP draft based on input / comments from this meeting.
  2. The meeting participants agreed to held a Technical Workshop which is scheduled on October 15, 2012 in Wollongong, Australia. The document for the meeting will be circulated on 21 September 2012.
  3. The PMO will allocate a session on Project Board meeting (in February 2013) to discuss the final draft of
  4. Ministerial meeting to approve the draft SAP will be held in February 2013 after the Project Board Meeting.

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