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Demo projects entitled 'Coastal Livelihood Project in Timor-Leste' are implemented by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.


The demonstration project in Timor Leste is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The project started on 1 October 2012 and will end on 1 May 2014.

The demonstration of alternative or supplementary sustainable livelihoods to improve food security and socioeconomic conditions of local communities in TL aims at addressing one priority environmental concerns, such as a decreased of mangrove coverage due to deforestation. By strengthening the livelihoods of coastal communities is expected to have better management of mangrove conservation.

There are two main components in this demo project.

  1. Introducing mud crab farming
  2. Improving the value added of captured fish by introducing fish processing in Beacou-Atabae, Bobonaro


The project started with a discussion with communities’ leaders. Thus a participatory approach was used to select beneficiaries and plan the implementing process. 17 people attended the mudcrab farming traning. After the training, 80 pens were set up in Beacou Atabae, Bobonaro, TL up to mid April 2013. Due to strong wave and wind, only 30 pens left. Then the MAF moved the pens to Liquica, different villages that have more protection from the wind and wave.

Meanwhile, fish processing training was attended by 26 women in Beacou. The women were excited with these new knowledge and skills to improve the value of the fish. One participant considered this training inspired her to preserve the fish during abundant stocks and improve the value of the fish along the marketing chain.

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