The DIKTAS Newsletter
Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Transboundary Aquifer System - DIKTAS is a project initiated by the aquifer-sharing states and supported by Global Environment Facility (GEF) to improve understanding of transboundary groundwater resources of the Dinaric region and to facilitate their equitable and sustainable utilisation, including the protection of unique karst groundwater dependent ecosystems.
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 4 - English
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 4 - ALB
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 4 - BIH
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 4 - HRV
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 4 - MNE
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 3
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 2
- DIKTAS Newsletter, Issue 1