Ecosystem-based, environmentally-sustainable management and use of the YSLME and its watershed by reducing development stress and promoting sustainable exploitation of the ecosystem from a densely populated, heavily urbanized, and industrialized semi-enclosed shelf sea.
The focus of the YSLME project on sustainable fisheries management and reducing stress to the ecosystem provides an opportunity for exploring how this GEF project can further national and regional commitments to certain international conventions and agreements, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land – based Activities (GPA).
- Documents
- TDA) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
- PSC) Project Steering Committee Meeting
- Public Awareness & Communications Strategy
- Expert Technical Workshop
- MPA) Marine Protected Area Network Meeting
- RSTP) Meeting of Regional Science and Technical Panel
- RWG) Regional Working Group Meeting
- SAP) Strategic Action Programme
- RTM) Regional Technical Meeting
- Joint Cruise) Co-operative Study Cruises
- Demonstration Project
- Small Grant
- Evaluations (Mid & Final)
Document Actions